Another Round

Sunday, Nov 7 Screening

Dubbo Regional Theatre and Convention Centre

155 Darling St Dubbo, NSW, 2830

02 6801 4378

6.20PM – Another Round

Four teacher friends start a social experiment in Thomas Vinterberg’s smart and ultimately moving “Another Round.” Based on a belief that the human body is born with too low an alcohol level, they strive to maintain a 0.05% BAC at all times—buzzed but far from drunk

They set rules. They can only drink during work hours (yes, as teachers). The idea is that a low-level buzz releases stress and tension in ways that nothing else can.

To varying degrees, all four men are going through what could be called a midlife crisis, dissatisfied by the mundanity of daily life as teachers, but it’s Martin (Mads Mikkelsen) who is in the deepest funk. He has lost all passion for teaching his history class, feels distant from his family, and can’t find many reasons to get up.

The social experiment breaks him out of his rut in a relatively predictable way, but Mikkelsen elevates what could have been another traditional message movie about living life to the fullest even after you think you’ve had your final drink.

Starring: Mads Mikkelsen

Director: Thomas Vinterberg

Running Time: 117 minutes

Genre: Dark comedy

Rating: M

Country: Denmark

Language: Danish

Subtitles: English

Finish 8.20PM

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